Thank you for your interest in Coach Robb’s Stretching & Soft Tissue resource to improve your range of motion and minimize your risk of injuries. This important tool in the Coach Robb toolbox will put you one step closer in learning to Train Smart, Not Hard & Avoid Overtraining!
There are 5 simple steps to take for optimum stretching:
Step 1: Foam roll the tissue that is specific to your activity (Click here for video series)
Step 2: Warm the tissue by moving in a sport specific manner for 10 minutes at a very low intensity; your goal is to break a sweat prior to stretching
Step 3: Implement Dynamic Movement exercises. These have been proven to increase blood floow and range of motion within the joints! (Click here for video on dynamic movements)
Step 4: Isolate and stretch the targeted muscle for 3-5 seconds; once you feel the tension in the isolated muscle, stop and hold – refrain from “pushing” the stretch deeper, this will invoke the Stretch Reflex which will result in the muscle shortening and tearing off of the attachment. (Click here for video)
Step 5: After holding the stretch for 3-5 seconds, release the stretch; wait 5 seconds and re-stretch the targeted muscle.
Please keep in mind that proper hydration (half of your body weight in ounces spread out over an 8- 10 hour window of time – 150 pounds/2=75 ounces) is an instrumental element of maintaining proper muscular function. In fact, muscle is 70% water, so if you want to minimize muscle spasms, strains and tears take a pro-active approach to your daily hydration through proper food and fluid intake
For more information on the different types of stretching, the benefits of stretching and the when and hows, download Coach Robb’s The Truth About Stretching.
Our Complete Stretching and Soft Tissue PDF – The Truth About Stretching
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